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How Back Injuries are Handled in Personal Injury Cases

Accident Lawyers in the Bronx Explain How Back Injuries are Handled in Personal Injury Cases…

Statistics show that 8 out of 10 adults in this country will suffer a back or neck injury at some time, making it important for you to understand when it’s time to contact a team of accident lawyers in the Bronx to file a lawsuit for back injury compensation.

The problem is, many back injuries are the result of overuse, strains, and sprains. Only when a back injury is the fault of another person, and they have exhibited some form of negligence, is it possible for the victim to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Back injuries can occur anywhere and to anyone. Nearly one-quarter of all back injuries are suffered in the workplace, marking the cause of many worker’s compensation claims, as well. In fact, back injuries are most commonly caused by

  • Automobile accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Workplace accidents

Some of the most common types of back injuries include strains and sprains, fractures of the spinal cord, broken back or neck, disc damage, vertebrae fractures, whiplash, and compression fractures.

The first step a victim of a back injury should take is getting appropriate care for their injury. These can be dangerous medical problems, and there are times when delayed care may cause even more injury or damage.

However, once, or even during, treatment, there are other steps a victim should take.

  1. Review the events surrounding the accident to determine its cause.
  2. Enlist friends or family members to take notes or pictures of the scene.
  3. If possible, contact an attorney or insurance adjuster to help assess the accident and the scene, especially when it is an automobile accident.
  4. If you suspect that someone else is liable for the accident, be careful about answering questions for anyone but the police, if they have been called.

Once a victim enlists the help of a lawyer, they can count on that lawyer to investigate and assess the case. The key factor they must determine is who is liable.

Here at the Law Offices of Stuart M. Kerner, we have great experience in assessing injuries and their causes. We understand negligence and whether another driver, a business owner, or a neighbor was negligent, causing someone’s back injury.

Contact us today and schedule a free consultation online,  so we can help evaluate your case.

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