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Injured in The Bronx: Choose a Local Attorney to Help

If You Live In the Bronx and Were Injured in The Bronx, Choose a Local Attorney To Represent You

As you were reading the headline of this article you probably thought to yourself…,

“Of course this attorney is recommending Bronx residents injured in a motor vehicle accident to choose a Bronx Car Accident Lawyer…his office is located in the Bronx!”

Now while it’s true my office is located in the Kingsbridge / Riverdale section of the Bronx, it has little bearing on why I feel that a Bronx Car Accident Attorney with many years of experience in dealing with car accident cases occurring in our borough is the best choice for area residents needing legal representation after being injured in an accident.

Truth be told, even though a lawyer located anywhere in New York City can provide you with adequate service, a  Bronx Personal Injury Lawyer usually has more experience in dealing with  all of the twists and turns a car accident case can take in the Bronx Court system making them the ideal choice. Furthermore, he or she usually knows the geography of the Bronx including its streets, police stations, hospitals and medical facilities better than a lawyer from one of the other New York City boroughs which will make it much easier and quicker to obtain all information and documentation necessary to litigate your claim.

Additionally, a Bronx based personal injury attorney will be very familiar with the Bronx Courthouse and the Court personnel including the Judges and Law Clerks who your case will be before.

The last and most important reason has to do with convenience. Since your attorney will be located in your neighborhood, you will be able to easily visit your lawyer at his office and get to know the attorney and support staff of paralegals.  Unlike having a lawyer in Long Island or New York City who you may never meet, your Bronx Personal Injury Lawyer will be very convenient and so much easier for you to stop in on from time to time to check on the status of your case as they petition on your behalf for the economic damages and non-economic damages you sustained as the result of your accident.

Economic Damages vs. Non Economic Damages: What is the Difference?

Economic Damages by definition are damages that can be calculated from documents or records and usually involve past and future lost wages and earnings as well as medical bills/expenses and future lost earning capacity/profits. These types of damages also include damage to a person’s real and personal property, such as the damage to a motor vehicle as the result of a car accident. Non-Economic Damages usually refers  to pain and suffering. which is the legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused from an injury. Some examples of these types of damages include: Loss of consortium e.g. spousal companionship,  physical pain, mental suffering, and emotional distress.

Generally, damages that are considered economic are easier to prove because there are documents and records that can be calculated to determine the amount of medical bills, lost earnings and property damage. However, damages that are considered non-economic in nature are subjective and require a different kind of analysis and proof to determine a monetary value since there are no specific records or documents that can be calculated.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in the Bronx, a qualified personal injury lawyer will be able to fight on your behalf  to ensure that you receive the recovery you are entitled to for both economic and non-economic damages.  And if the law firm just happens to be located in the Bronx, for the reasons stated above, I think it just makes more sense to consider them first.

Trust a Bronx Car Accident Attorney & Bronx Personal Injury Lawyer Who Has Been Fighting For the Rights of Bronx Residents Over 20 Years!

If you are injured as a driver or passenger in a car accident and are in need of a Bronx Car Accident Attorney or Bronx Personal Injury Lawyer, at the Law Offices of Stuart M. Kerner, located in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, we have great experience in assessing personal injuries and their causes including car accident cases.  If you would like a legal opinion on the potential value of your  personal injury matter or have a question about your rights, contact our office to schedule a FREE Consultation online so we can evaluate your personal injury case. Remember, insurance companies have lawyers protecting their interest, so why not have a Bronx Car Accident Lawyer protect yours!

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