Roadside Emergency Legal Help

Driving Safety Tips: Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday

Driving Safety Tips To Help You Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanksgiving is a time for family gatherings and celebration. Over 40 million drivers take to the roads every Thanksgiving weekend to spend time with the loved ones. If you plan to hit the open road this holiday weekend, are you prepared for a roadside emergency? Do you have the right items in your roadside safety kit in the event of an emergency? Although this is a warm and loving time of year, it is also one of the most dangerous times to be on the roads. Being prepared will allow you to safely deal with any problems that arise while on the road when you least expect it.

Bronx Accident Attorney Shares Car Roadside Emergency Safety Kit Checklist:

Here are some items to consider when putting together your emergency safety kit.

  • First-aid kit in the event someone gets hurt.
  • Blanket or space blanket to keep warm.
  • Flashlight and extra batteries.
  • Spare cell phone charger in the event your mobile dies.
  • Energy bars or granola bars for fuel.
  • Bottled water to avoid becoming dehydrated.
  • Pen and paper.
  • Paper towels.
  • Hand Sanitizer.
  • Jumper cables to help give your car a boost if you can’t get it to start.
  • Flares or triangle reflectors to signal other drivers of a hazardous situation.
  • One quart or more of motor oil.
  • One gallon of coolant in the event your car overheats.
  • Toolkit and pocket knife always come in handy.
  • Tire sealant in the vent of a flat tire.

A roadside emergency can happen to anyone at any time so keeping these important tips in mind will make dealing with an emergency a lot easier and a lot less stressful.

If you or your loved has been involved in a roadside emergency that resulted in a motor vehicle accident and you are in need of a Bronx Accident Attorney, the Law Offices of Stuart M. Kerner, P.C., located in the Riverdale – Kingsbridge section of the Bronx, will investigate, prosecute and negotiate with the insurance company of the negligent party to settle your motor vehicle accident claim and obtain compensation for you based upon the severity of your injury and your pain and suffering. To speak to contact our law firm call (718) 796-7900 to schedule a FREE consultation online so we can evaluate your personal injury case.

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